Many of you know that Grandmaster Jin Y. Chung (KwanJangNim) retired in March 2020, and our studio was bought by another school - ATA Boynton Beach (not related with us). Unfortunately, I was not able to accept the school due to finances, my employment at Palm Beach State College in the mornings, and returning to school soon to continue my career in healthcare. Running a school is a full-time job and would have burned me out with my other responsibilities.

Due to COVID-19, we needed to close the school sooner than anticipated, but this allowed me to look into online classes which is affordable for my budget. Quality can be maintained as I learn how to do web management, register students online, and train families how to use Zoom at their own pace. Also, I can enroll students by class size since I currently will be the only one teaching.

With advice from several of our Instructors and Masters (when it came to technology and legalities), this became more of a reality come April. Shortly afterwards work went under way.

Thanks to Chris (our web developer and a former student), he has helped me make all of this possible. It would not have come to fruition without his help, advice, and hard work.

Chris and I are trying new methods of maintaining students online with profiles and their curriculum requirements. Also, I am making virtual classes through Zoom as interactive as possible.

My aim is to have a hybrid (half virtual and in person) school. We have many U.S. Martial Arts (USMA) Alumni that have moved to different states and still have interest in training.

To the USMA families and students: Thank you for following me to the future and evolving with me as Revitalize Martial Arts (RMA). The name may have changed, but I plan to embody our Grandmaster's teachings and methods to continue his legacy and bringing our students to their highest potential.